Peri and Postpartum

While around 50% of new mothers experience a mild and short-lived period of depression during pregnancy or soon after their baby is born, between 10-20% of new mothers experience postpartum depression. Dr Yana Bekker, DO, diagnoses and treats peri and postpartum depression.

What are peri and postpartum depression?

Having a baby is supposed to be a happy and exciting occasion, but for many women, the experience is anything but happy. Peri and postpartum depression are depressive disorders that affect pregnant women and new mothers. Postpartum depression emerges after your baby is born and peripartum depression occurs while you’re still pregnant.

Some of the common symptoms of peri and postpartum depression include:

  • Feeling sad, hopeless, worthless, and guilty
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Unexplained crying jags
  • Lack of interest in your baby
  • Feelings or fears of being a bad mother
  • Fear of hurting the baby
  • Anxiety about the tasks and responsibilities of motherhood

Your conflicting emotions often exacerbate peri and postpartum depression. You may feel like you should be happy or excited, but instead feel guilty or like a bad mother because you don’t.

What causes peri and postpartum depression?

In many cases, peri and postpartum depression are triggered by the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy. While you’re pregnant, your body produces extra thyroid hormones, estrogen, and progesterone, which influence your moods. When you give birth, your body immediately stops producing the extra hormones, and the sudden drop in your hormone levels can trigger depression.

Other factors that contribute to peri and postpartum depression include:

  • A personal or family history of depression or other mental health conditions
  • Stress factors such as a difficult pregnancy, illness, or job issues
  • Lifestyle factors such as financial issues or a weak support system of family and friends

If you think you have peri or postpartum depression, don’t suffer in silence or shame. Make an appointment for treatment immediately.

How are peri and postpartum depression treated?

Dr. Bekker offers compassionate, customized treatment for peri and postpartum depression. She begins with a thorough assessment of your mental and physical health, including blood work and tests to identify other medical factors that contribute to your symptoms.

Dr. Bekker works with you to implement a treatment plan to regulate your mood and help you resolve any underlying issues that contribute to your depression. She may recommend medication and therapy, as well as some lifestyle adjustments to improve your overall health and sleep.

Call My Best Self, LLC or make an appointment online today if you experience any signs of peri or postpartum depression.

Insurance Accepted

Dr. Yana Bekker is an in-network psychiatrist with the following commercial insurance plans: