Trauma is a common part of modern life. Around 70% of Americans experience a traumatic event at some point during their lives. Approximately 20% of people who suffer trauma develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Yana Bekker, DO, diagnoses and treats PTSD with a compassionate, holistic approach to mental health.

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a type of anxiety that develops after you experience a traumatic event, such as an active shooter event, natural disaster, terrorist attack, or personal assault. After a traumatic event, it’s normal to experience heightened anxiety initially, but your emotions typically settle with time. PTSD usually develops within a few months of your traumatic experience and your symptoms can last for months, or even years.

What are the symptoms of PTSD?

PTSD symptoms usually develop in four distinct categories:

Intrusive thoughts
Nightmares and intense, realistic flashbacks are common intrusive thought symptoms. Your intrusive memories and flashbacks may be so realistic that you feel like you’re reliving the traumatic event.

Avoidance behaviors
It’s also common for you to adjust your daily routines and behaviors to avoid places and people that remind you of your traumatic experience. When your avoidance behaviors interfere with your ability to go to school or work, or interfere with your relationships, you should seek help.

Negative thoughts and feelings
PTSD can also cause negative thoughts or feelings, including guilt, worthlessness, or feelings of distrust. You might feel like all other people are bad or dangerous, or you may experience guilt for surviving when others didn’t. You may also lose interest in previously enjoyed activities or feel detached from your friends and family.

Heightened arousal
PTSD can also cause irritability and angry outbursts. You may find it challenging to control your temper and little things that wouldn’t have previously bothered you might cause you to lose your temper. You may also engage in dangerous or reckless behavior such as excessive drinking, drug use, or promiscuous sex.

How is PTSD treated?

Dr. Bekker offers highly customized treatments to help you manage your PTSD. She begins with a comprehensive assessment of your mental and physical health to develop a detailed understanding of your condition and your needs.

She works with you to implement a multidisciplinary treatment plan that may include medication, meditation, and lifestyle modifications to address your symptoms and improve your overall wellness. Dr. Bekker may also recommend therapy to allow you to explore your thoughts and feelings around your traumatic experience and learn coping strategies.

If you live with PTSD, call My Best Self, LLC or schedule an appointment online to get relief from your symptoms today.

Insurance Accepted

Dr. Yana Bekker is an in-network psychiatrist with the following commercial insurance plans: